Ear Coning
Ear Coning is an ancient healing process to painlessly relieve pressure, congestion and cleanse the sinuses and ears. Removes excess ear wax.History:The healing method now called ear coning has been around for thousands of years. It was originally used for purification prior to ancient rites of initiation to assist in opening the body's spiritual centers, thus cleansing the spiritual body through the physical, as well as used as a natural healing technique. In fact, it is still believed by some that this process can break up blockages in the subtle energy system and the subconscious where repressed emotions and memories can lie hidden from the conscious mind, causing degenerative disease.
Ancient Egyptians used reeds, Native Americans used corn husks dipped in beeswax to make a hollow candle; because it worked, candling spread to Europe, Greece and China and is now practiced world-wide and gaining popularity.
The Coning Experience:Ear coning/candling is a gentle procedure using a lit ear cone (hollow shaped beeswax tube) to spiral smoke into the ear, creating a vacuum to osmotically draw the excess wax build-up, fungus deposits and debris impaction out. It breaks up blockages, clearing excess wax and toxins. This process is done painlessly and with gentle care. It is safe, soothing, relaxing and non-invasive. There is no discomfort to the person receiving the treatment. A lit cone is placed gently at the opening of the ear. The low flame creates a slow vacuum which softens and gently extracts the old wax into the base of the cone. Periodically, the cone will be cleaned. You'll be able to examine what has been removed to see just what was in your ear and adjoining canals. Most people are absolutely amazed! Lymphatic Drainage Massage on the face and decollete augment the experience. Having been trained by a holistic RN, I utilize utmost hygienic care and provide after care instructions to help you obtain the best possible results. A typical coning client is searching for: a more 'natural way' to alleviate pressure in their head and upper respiratory area; relief for pain in their children's ears; hearing, smelling and sight improvement; or just plain feeling better.
Remove excess ear wax (alleviate hearing difficulties)*
Chronic ear infections (swimmers ears)*
Fluid in ears - possibly averting tubes (we cone children as young as 3 years old)*
Congestion in sinuses from allergies or infection*
Sore throat*
Some chronic headaches*
Clear meridians for balance - (great for Yoga and Martial Arts)*
Frequent flyers with plugged ears*
Tinnitus - ringing in the ears*
Meniere's Disease - vertigo, dizziness
Handcrafted Bees Wax Cones:
In order to maximize your experience, I make my own 14 inch cones out of unbleached muslin and beeswax. (Beeswax has a high evaporation rate, which is why only ash is left once the cone burns down.) Each cone is dipped in a proprietary blend of Young Living Essential Oils to facilitate freshened breathing. One end fits the opening of the ear and the other tapers up to a wider opening, which creates a draw like that of a flu in a chimney. Since I render local bees wax, the cone contains some propolis which naturally prevents diseases and parasites from entering and inhibit bacterial growth. Beware of cones that are made: the wrong size, of paraffin, of synthetic wax, colored or bleached muslin. These may have negative results. For example, paraffin can drip in the ear and this is what medical doctors see in ER, which give candling a bad reputation.
Ear Coning/Candling:
$85 (Sessions last 90 minutes) * (3, 4, 5 year olds) $50
*Obligatory Disclaimer: The above information is intended for educational purposes only. It is not meant to be used to diagnose, prescribe or teat any disease, illness or injury. Anyone suffering from a serious disease, illness or injury should consult with a physician.